Tips to get rid of the fear of driving at night

    To travel long distances by motorcycle, to avoid any mishap or if you have to know how to solve it you have to follow these tips:

    Learn a little mechanics, tension and grease a chain, repair punctures, measure levels, clean spark plugs…

    Carry gasoline in liter and a half bottles, to close it, use a plastic bag, Take a piece of the bag and put it between the cap and the bottle and close it tightly so that nothing comes out.

    Always have a GPS with you, a physical map in case your GPS breaks, save a digital copy of your documentation.

    Usar PacSafe, which is heavy duty stainless steel locking device to protect your case and your jacket.

    Don't talk about money, if you are in a place that does not give you confidence, carry alone 10 euros on top.

    Take tools with you in case there is a breakdown in the motorcycle, so you can fix it by yourself.

    Bring change clothes and a first-aid kit.

    Consult a lot the time you are going to do, to prepare you, it can be cold, hot, rain, unable to…